2000 Shetland Lane (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 10
Price: §290,125
Lot Size: 5×5
Extra Info:
Contains custom content
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A special request from MTS member shetland2000 turned into an overthetop extravaganza of a mansion with 10 bedrooms and 9.5 bathrooms. I’m thinking that you can only have 8 sims on a lot at a time, so, you could just empty out the attic level and remove the staircase and make this house a reasonable size. The two-car garage and indoor pool are the culprits for the large size since that creates a huge amount of space above them. The pool was easy enough because it has vaulted ceilings with lots of natural light from my new picture window which I call Grid Frame Picture Window. There are a few other new meshes in this one as well, all brought on by Lady Angel who decided to mesh and then write tutorials. For anyone who wants an embarrassingly large home when others are barely making it, I recommend this one!
all cc by me or millyana who is me
cc includes walls, floors, furniture recolors, shutters, bookcase, built-in shelves, and grid frame picture window
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:jawdrop: WOW Anne, what an amazing building! We were just talking about large bG lots in chat this morning and how they can be hard, this looks effortless, Im sure it wasnt but you’ve made it look absolutely wonderful! I :love: the two story great room, and adore the indoor pool! Hope the person you built it for appreciates what you’ve made them!!
Anne, your base game building skills continue to awe me…this is typically amazing, but you manage to make everything you do so different from the what’s gone before. I, too, hope this gets appreciated for whomever you created it!
Thanks dear friends! Actually I love getting requests since it gives me an idea! Do you think people would rather have no cc though with the base game? I get a little bored with that though!
Anne, it truly is an amazing house 🙂 It would make a lovely hotel too!
WOW. This is absolutely amazing. I am so “WOWED” by such the great creativity and time that is put into these. It clearly shows you enjoy what you do.. Well done. Beautiful indeed…
Totally agree